Soy de Duval celebrates first anniversairy

Today marks the first anniversary of the Soy de Duval blog.  I want to take this occasion to thank everyone for the tremendous support shown to this effort.

Just a short recap of what we have done over the last 12 months:

  • the blog has received 15,800 looks or page visits,
  • we have posted 64 articles for an average of five a month,
  • 151 people have subscribed to the blog,
  • 171 people “Like us” on Facebook and
  • 8 people are following us on our recently established Twitter account.

Our highest viewed post was “San Diego Dominican priests recalled to Spain subject of documentary by Father Ibáñez 607 views. The remaining top 10 blogs were:

Apr 11, 2013, 9 comments
May 16, 2013, 10 comments
May 23, 2013, 6 comments

We have been reacquainted with many old friends and made new ones. One of the most rewarding aspects of the blog is that we have been able to share information with so many people who have a genuine interest in Duval County history. The sharing has gone both ways; I have been blessed to have many people share their photos, genealogies, family histories, etc. Please keep them coming.
Again, thanks to all of you for your support. Keep in mind that the aim of the blog–as stated in our first post–is the publication of a book on the nineteenth century history of Duval County. The goal is to achieve that before our second anniversary. 
In Christ,

Alfredo E Cardenas | April 10, 2017 at 9:02 am | Reply (Edit) I don’t believe I have Ramiro. If you have info you can share I would love to learn more about this. Ramiro C. Salinas | April 10, 2017 at 8:46 am | Reply (Edit) Alfredo, have you ever come upon a cattle rustler in Duval county, by the name of Quain? story has it he stole cattle, then hightailed it to Mexico, then headed to Arizona.
Alfredo E. Cardenas | March 26, 2014 at 1:25 am | Reply (Edit) Thanks. The plan is to complete and publish the book this year.
Jo Nell Huff | March 26, 2014 at 1:18 am | Reply (Edit) Yes, I have a copy of the book and it mentions my grandfather, S.E. Harvill. I remember going in to the Freer Enterprise and remember the Guthries. I probably saw your father there also. Thanks for the response to my comment. I selfishly keep reading every week without trying to comment again, but on your anniversary I thought manners compelled me to try again. I do hope you publish that book!
Alfredo E. Cardenas | March 26, 2014 at 12:35 am | Reply (Edit) Thank you. Sorry you haven't been able to comment but glad you were able this time. My dad worked at the Freer Enterprise for years. Have you read "Oil, Mud & Guts"? It's the story of Freer.
Jo Nell Huff | March 26, 2014 at 12:32 am | Reply (Edit) Congratulations on your anniversary! I have been following and enjoying your writing for some time but never seemed to be able to post a comment or at least see that it went through. I grew up in Freer so the history of Duval County is important to me.
Monica Cardenas | March 25, 2014 at 3:04 pm | Reply (Edit) Congrats, Daddy! Keep it up!


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