Things were really hopping in San diego as 1887 drew to a close

The Flores heirs of the town tract of San Diego confirmed the acts of trustees Collins and Perez who had power to sell lots in the town. The questions as to title in San Diego were settled.

While six trains a day were making stops in San Diego over the Texas-Mexican Railroad, the correspondent for the San Antonio Express leaved impression that “City in the Woods” was dull, dried up and completely without business. Moreover, San Diego had experienced no failures among its merchants; slowly, maybe, but gradually the town was improving and progressing.

M. C. Spann sold stock of goods to E. N. Gray, Charles F. Stillman, Placido Benavides and Saturnino Vera. L. Levy made improvements to his premises, adding a new roof and making other repairs. Pena and Miret renamed their saloon “The True Blue.” Mr. Yzaguara painted the sign.

Dr. Newton of Rio Grande City relocated to San Diego and opened an office to practice medicine. He had earned a reputation for treating yellow fever. Manuel Feuille, assistant postmaster, served as agent for a New York firm that enlarged pictures.

Addie Feuille started school at the Academy for girls. Mr. Pollard was at the San Diego schools. He ranked nine out of 40 when he got his certificate in Austin. Pollard started school for boys with good attendance. Louis Pueblo ran the private school. Capt. E. N. Gray advertised and secured a teacher from Houston.

Professor S. G. Glona was visiting his father in-law Judge J. Williamson Moses and was serenated by a San Diego string band.

The Frontier Battalion of Texas Rangers, Company C, was stationed in Collins. Sgt. Grimes and three men were sent to Duval County in pursuit of horse thieves. They returned on Oct. 4 without success. Two days later, Private Durbin and three others were sent to Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr and Duval Counties and arrested Donacio Ochoa, Augustine Felipe and Amando Oyos. The following day, Sgt. Grimes and four others were sent to Concepcion to arrest smugglers and horse thieves. They arrested Baltazar Rito for horse theft, Nicolas Sanchez and Andres Delgado for smuggling, and Hilario Cruz for carrying a pistol. They were turned over to civil authorities. Pvt. McNamara was assigned to special duty in Duval County.

Sheriff Wright, under execution, levied on 19 horses, 32 cattle, and 28 bucks belonging to A. L. Labbe on a judgment in favor of R. H. Corbet. Labbe appealed. E. H. and Emile Labbe recovered the 19 horses and 32 head of cattle taken by the sheriff, saying they were the owners and not their father. They did not claim the sheep.

Deputy U. S. Marshall arrested and carried to San Antonio seven mescal vendors.

S. G. Golager passed though San Diego on his way to Beeville with large drove of mares. Ford Dix shipped six carloads of mares, 100 in number, from San Diego. Five cars were headed for Florida and one to South Carolina.

Wool clips were coming in but none had sold yet although a couple of buyers were in town “prospecting.” More than 100 bags came in and F. Gueydan & Co. had more than 400 bags. Large bales of cotton were also at the depot.

Two bear shows were in San Diego and attracted small boys. Boy with “nigger shooter” destroyed sign at post office.

J. W. Shaw was presented with baby boy. Fred Franks married Eleanor Victorian, second daughter of Judge J. W. Moses.

The Uniques baseball team went to Corpus Christi to play “Bluff City.” The Tex-Mex sold excursion tickets for $1.60 round trip.

Rene Guzman Glover | February 7, 2020 at 11:46 am | Reply (Edit) That was great article. We have spoken before but do you have that article about TF Gloria serenading his father in law J. Williamson Moses? Was it 1887? T.F Gloria would divorce Mr. Moses daughter Maria July 14, 1881. Mr. Gloria joined the Cortinas Circus in 1884 and Maria Moses divorced Maria Moses. Mr. Gloria moved up north performing the Mississippi River on steamboats before settling in Natchez. Maria Moses remarried a decade later to Jesus Garcia on October 24, 1891. | February 25, 2020 at 9:17 am | Reply (Edit) Thank you for your comment. It is new information that I did not have.


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