Where is the Llano Blanco Cave in Duval County

Not the actual cave reported being located in Duval County.


In the summer of 1867, the Corpus Christi Advertiser ran a story that a cave called Llano Blanco Cave was discovered in Duval County. The newspaper reported that exploration as far as seventy-five yards into the cave had revealed “large chambers and a stream of running fresh water; so cold you do not need ice.”

“A natural well, 25 feet deep, was found some 200 yards from the entrance,” the Advertiser reported. It added that “air rushes with great force.”

It said that walls in the cave were formed by a sulfate of lime, and “untold quantities of plaster of Paris could be made out of it.” Other elements were present but had not yet been fully examined. The cave, the newspaper said, had been dormant for years. In a flair of ethnocentrism, the Advertiser proclaimed that the cave had been “awaiting the acuteness of Yankee enterprise” to take advantage of what the it had to offer.  

Newspapers from Texas, the Dallas Herald, and the Brownsville Daily Ranchero, as well from across the nation from Illinois to Ohio to South Carolina all picked up the story. Alas, the Yankee superiority never materialized as the cave was never heard of again.

The question for readers of Soy de Duval is whether any of them have heard of or know the location of this cave? The newspaper reported that it was located in the center of Duval county but provided no more direction.

If anyone has information on this cave please contact me at cardenas.ae@gmail.com or by messaging me on Facebook at m.me/soydeduval. I am ready to go spelunking!


  1. Juan R. Gutierrez Rivera | February 5, 2019 at 2:22 am | Reply
    I was born and raised in San Diego my father Rafael G. Rivera would take us to the San Diego Creek to wade in the semi murkier water Imust have been 4 or 5 years old along with my siblings my dad would take us into a cave located further up the creek but I remember clearly it wasn’t to deep but we would enjoy that exploring kind of a thing we would do on a few occasion! If you go to the court house in Sandiego the county clerk may be able to direct you to the oldest person in town or visit the museum near the plastics !

  2. Norma Alicua Labbe' | January 9, 2019 at 7:41 am | Reply
    Ask my brother Napo Labbe, about Seven Sisters as my grandfather, Eugene Labbe, homesteaded there and we owned some of the land for many years. I can send you pictures. Our land though, did not have hills or mesas. Napo lives in Freer.

    • cardenas.ae@gmail.com | January 9, 2019 at 12:57 pm | Reply
      Thank you Norma. I have been meaning to get a hold of your or Napo on another tidbit I’m working on. I have this info “A. L. Labbe found a 3-foot tusk in a well on the Labbe ranch along the banks of the San Diego Creek” What can you tell me about A.L. Labbe.

  3. Barbara | January 4, 2019 at 10:46 am | Reply
    Thanks for sharing such an interesting story. Hope you find it and keep us updated on your findings!

  4. Jose Hinojosa | January 3, 2019 at 6:15 pm | Reply
    Sounds like a great way to spend some retired time searching for this lost gemstone! I would love to be part of the search party. I took a Spilunking class when at St. Mary’s and visit several caves in the area.

  5. Elliot | January 1, 2019 at 5:23 pm | Reply
    Very interesting story keep us updated!

  6. John David Saenz | December 28, 2018 at 5:54 pm | Reply
    Mr. Cardenas,
    I live in La Rosita and have asked my mother who was raised here, if she knew of such a cave. She is 92 and had never heard of such a cave. Keep all of your followers in Duval county up to date!!

    • cardenas.ae@gmail.com | December 28, 2018 at 6:47 pm | Reply
      Thank you, John David. If anybody still living would know anything about this, your grandma at 92 would be a good source. I do have a couple of people who claim to know where the cave (or a cave) is and hope to look into at the close of the hunting season. I’ll keep my readers posted.

  7. david smith | December 28, 2018 at 12:13 pm | Reply
    anxiously awaiting your spelunking, sir.
    here’s a link to some info on the other san cajo hill, a historical marker at tilden.
    there’s some other info in handbook of texas, and claims that’s where Massanet visited, but Im thinking that hill was the anacacho mountain out towards edwards county.

    • cardenas.ae@gmail.com | December 28, 2018 at 6:45 pm | Reply
      Thanks, David. This is interesting. Since San Caja is so close to Duval County, perhaps the cave is also in Duval County. Something else to look for; wondering what I’m getting myself into.

  8. cardenas.ae@gmail.com | December 27, 2018 at 9:43 am | Reply
    Thank you, David. The cave in question is supposed to be in the center of the county. I have a lead for a cave on or near Palangana between Benavides and La Rosita. Although, one reader sent a photo of him and some friends standing on top of a hill in the area you describe that supposedly has a cave. He offered to show it to me after the hunting season. I’ll keep everyone posted as things develop. For now, we’ll have to wait after hunting season, as that is also when I will be able to visit the cave near Palangana.

  9. David Smith | December 27, 2018 at 1:28 am | Reply
    Interesting story, but I’m very doubtful.The small hill called San Cajo (on the USGS maps), is on our land, we bought in 1996. It was rumored to have a cave, but I will gladly show you it does not today. Perhaps there’s a cave on the larger, “Sin Caja hill” up on mr.wheelers property, far north up toward the Nueces. The most remarkable hills at Seven Sisters, are actually north across the McMullen County line, (eg. Loma Alta, Devils Table). Los Picachos, Loma Pinta, and Loma Rosa are hills in Duval that are prominent. But I haven’t heard about caves…..

  10. Jo Nell Huff | December 26, 2018 at 3:28 pm | Reply
    What a mystery! I have never heard of it. It will be interesting to see if anyone has heard of it and its possible location. Seems it is lost like the gold from Government Wells. Keep us posted.

cardenas.ae@gmail.com | December 26, 2018 at 4:56 pm | Reply
Have received a couple of leads. Hope they bear some results. I’ll keep everyone posted. By the way, I have always wanted to visit the Government Wells area and explore the hills around Seven Sisters. Who would be a good contact for getting access and serve as a guide? Thanks, Jo Nell for your interest.


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