This Week in Duval County History, December 2 — 8


December 2

San Diego grants mortgaged

On December 2, 1883, Encarnacion Garcia Garza mortgaged 5,150 acres, including 1,150 acres out of the original San Diego grants made to Julian and Ventura Flores, to Charles Hoffman who was to hold the land in trust for N. G. Collins who had made a loan to Garcia Garza on December 1, 1883. The note was for $2,000 and carried interest at 12 percent. Garcia Garza paid the note on April 22, 1884, and Collins released the lien on the property.

Duval County Deed Records

December 3

Hinojosa, Cantu make a deal

On December 3, 1892, Mónico Hinojosa and Hipolito Cantu entered into an agreement wherein Hinojosa turned over to Cantu, for the period of three years:

  • 398 breeding ewes

  • 320 female goats

  • 120 female goats (de punto)

  • 235 head of mutton, and

  • 64 billy goats

Each valued and $1 for a total of $1,135.

Cantu was to keep the product and revenue of said animals without interference from Hinojosa. Furthermore, Cantu was two pay, over the three year period, $1 per head of breeding ewes and female goats annually, half in May and half in November at the offices of F. Gueydan & Co. For the female goats “de punto” Cantu was to pay 10 percent their value annually in the same form as the others.

Duval County Deed Records

December 4


On December 4, 1890, Duval County entered into an agreement with the Berlin Iron Works Co. for the building of three iron bridges.

Duval County Deed Records

December 5

The first meeting of Duval County Commissioners Court

The meeting of the court began on December 4 and was continued the following day on December 5, 1876.

The court approved an order requesting that Nueces County hand over all records pertaining to Duval County. The law required it to be done within five days after the county was organized.

The court also approved an order to notify the Secretary of State of the county’s organization and ask that they provide the court with the laws applicable to each office.

They set the court dates for JPs to run on the first, second, third and fourth Mondays of each week for each precinct respectively.

Ordered seal for the county. Authorized County Clerk Valls to order books, stationery, etc.

Duval County Commissioners Minutes, Book A

December 6

Collins Letter (Collins was the predecessor to Alice)

Con man passing himself off as half Mexican but is pure English. Using the name of Federico Milmo. Bought some mules in San Diego but didn’t pay for them. Left mule at Lara Ranch, halfway between Collins and San Diego. Came to Collins looking for Sheriff claiming mules had been stolen from him in Piedras Pintas. Left by train to Corpus Christi. This is the same guy said to have defrauded Lazaro Pena of Pena Station two years before.

Thirty people from Collins went to San Diego for Hall’s circus.

Corpus Christi Caller, December 6, 1885

December 7

No Indian activity reported

On December 7, 1826, Cristobal Trevino, with the San Diego detachment, arrived at Laredo presidio from patrol reporting no Indian activities.

Bexar Archives


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