Tijerina pays tribute to Beasley, vaqueros and Duval County


Andres Tijerina signs book for one of many admirers who came to the Witte Museum in San Antonio to hear about the author's latest epic work. 

An overflow crowd showed up at the Ewing Halsell Hall at the Witte Museum on Sunday, November 20, to admire the work of San Diego Tejano artist Ricardo Beasley depicted in Andres Tijerina's latest book Beasley's Vaqueros. A large number of those in attendance came from Duval County and the surrounding area and most if not all purchased a book.

In his presentation, Tijerina praised not only Beasley and his art but also the many vaqueros which were the subject of the artist's drawings.  The works are on display at Witte's Russell Hill Rogers Art Gallery and will remain on exhibit until March 20, 2023.

Friends of Ricardo Beasley came out in great numbers to pay tribute and give recognition to his talented works.

Books by Andrés Tijerina:



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