The Peltier Comet visited in 1936

On August 7, 1936, the San Diego (La Voz) newspaper ran a front-page article about the sighting of the Peltier Comet. While it was not a total solar eclipse as was experienced this week, the appearance of a comet in the night's sky must have been quite an experience for Duval County residents. The newspaper's translated account appears below. This image is not from La Voz but from a photo taken by the Yerkes Observatory. 

For some weeks now, the visibility of the celestial voyage that visits us has been insistently announced. However, very few people said they had seen it. Last night at around nine-thirty, it appeared in all its splendor with a reasonably large volume. It was long and hard until midnight, having been seen by many people, among them the person who wrote this. (The writer was likely Servando Cardenas, the newspaper's editor.)


La Voz (San Diego, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 33, Ed. 1 Friday, August 7, 1936


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