1888 election was a precursor of future politics in Duval County
The deadly Duval County election of 1888 featuring the Botas and Guaraches was a precursor to the Parr politics of the future. The Laredo Daily Times recounted a letter from Juan Zardiente to his brother Romulo in Laredo in which he relayed that the Botas Democratic ticket had won the election in Duval County. According to Zardiente, Julian Palacios was elected County Judge over James Luby. Other Bota victors were W. Tinney for County Clerk; Alvino G. Tovar, as County Treasurer; John Buckley, as Sheriff; and Zardiente for County Commissioner. The Guaraches and the Botas reportedly elected two commissioners each but with a Bota County Judge they had majority on the court. But politics reared its ugly head in Duval County, much before the Parr’s had perfected dirty politics to an art form. In fact, Archie Parr had only been in the county for five years and was not yet an active political player. The Duval County Commissioners Court met on Nov. 12 -13 to can...